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RenÉe Murphy
Numerology is the science, philosophy, psychology and spirituality of life interpreted from the symbols of names, dates and numbers. Pythagoras said, “God Geometrizes.” We are all named, chorded numbered and vibrate to our own personal energy individually. We are then placed in the great eternal plan of things.
Numerology is the study of numbers and their meanings. It is based on the belief that the name you were given at birth, and the day, month and year you were born influence who you are and what will happen during the course of your lifetime.
Numbers are the symbols of the place and arrangement of the planes of intelligence and laws of the universe - the index cards of a Divine Intelligence. The 6th realm, you will find light, air, fire, water and earth; plus the laws. The registrations or reflections (energy) of substance are named, numbered, colored and chorded in this planet we call world.
The golden ratio/spiral is the cosmic representation of ideal balance, universal harmony and spiritual transformation. The spiral is the blueprint of all of nature and indeed, of our humanness. From the double helix of our DNA to the spiral shape of galaxies, this piece of Sacred Geometry is both container and accelerator of consciousness.
In ancient times Kings and Queens consulted with Astrologers and Numerologist to decide whether or not to go to battle, conceive a child or if it was a propitious time to build a city. They understood cycles and timing are ever present and order our lives. I invite you to explore about your personalized numbers.